Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Frog Prince

The Frog Prince

▲ the chart/turns absorbs from "Network Resources"

Later that day, when the Princess was sitting at the table, something was heard coming up the marble stairs. Splish, splosh, splish splosh! The sound came nearer and nearer, and a voice cried, "Let me in, youngest daughter of the King."
The Princess jumped up to see who had called her. Now when she caught sight of the frog, she turned very pale.
"What does a frog want with you?" demanded the King, looking rather surprised.
The Princess hung her head. "When I was sitting by the fountain my golden ball fell into the water. This frog fetched it back for me, because I cried so much." The Princess started to cry again. "I promised to love him and let him eat from my golden plate, drink from my golden cup, and sleep on my golden bed."
The King looked at the frog and thought for a while before he spoke. "Then you must keep your promise, my daughter."
The Princess knew she must obey, so she let the frog to come inside. The frog hopped in after her and jumped up into her chair and straight onto the table. "Now push your golden plate near me." said the frog, "so that we may eat together." As she did so, the frog leapt onto her plate and ate up all her dinner, which was just as well, because the Princess didn't feel much like eating.
Next, the frog drank from her little golden cup until it was quite empty. Somehow the Princess didn't feel at all thirsty either! After the frog had finished, he took one great leap and landed on the Princess's knee. "Go away you ugly, cold frog!" she screamed. "I will never let you sleep on my lovely, clean bed!"
That made the King very angry. "This frog helped you when you needed it. Now you must keep your promise to him."
Very unwillingly the Princess picked up the frog and carried him upstairs to her room. When the frog hopped into the middle of her golden bed, it was just too much for the Princess. She pushed the frog hard and it fell onto the floor. As he fell he was changed into a handsome Prince. A spell had been cast on him by an evil witch and only the Princess had the power to break it.
The Princess was speechless. She felt very sorry indeed that she had been so unkind to the frog. After a while, the handsome Prince and the Princess were married, and lived happily ever after.
 第二天,小公主跟國王和大臣們剛剛坐上餐桌,才開始用她的小金碟進餐,突然聽見啪 啦啪啦的聲音。隨著聲響,有個什麼東西順著大理石台階往上跳,到了門口時,便一邊敲門 一邊大聲嚷嚷:「小公主,快開門!」 聽到喊聲,小公主急忙跑到門口,想看看是誰在門外 喊叫。打開門一看,原來是那只青蛙,正蹲在門前。小公主見是青蛙,嚇得臉色發白,心裡害怕極了。 「青蛙想 找你做什麼呢?」 國王相當驚訝地問公主。 公主低下頭回答:「昨天,當我坐在水潭邊上玩的時候,金球掉到水潭裡 去了。我哭得很傷心,青蛙就替我把金球撈了上來。」說到這,公主又開始哭了。「我答應他要愛他,讓他用我的小金蝶吃飯,用我的高腳酒杯喝酒,而且還要讓他睡在我的床上。 國王看著青蛙思索,接著說:「女兒,那麼你絕不能言而無信。」 小公主知道她必須遵從便讓青蛙進門了。青蛙蹦蹦跳跳地跟她進了門,然後跳到小公主的座位,並直接跳上餐桌,接著說:「把您的小金碟子推過來一點兒好嗎?這樣我 們就可以一快兒吃啦。」小公主很不情願這麼做,可她還是把金碟子推了過去。青蛙將公主的晚餐全吃光了,而幸好,小公主一點兒胃口都沒有。 接著,青蛙將高腳杯裡的酒都喝光,而小公主一點都不覺得渴!青蛙喝完後,便跳到小公主的膝蓋上,「走開!你這噁心、冰冷的青哇!」小公主尖叫著:「我絕不會讓你睡在我整潔漂亮的的床上!」 國王見小公主這個樣子,就生氣地對她說:「這隻青蛙在妳需要的時候幫助過妳,現在妳必須遵守妳的諾言。」 於是,小公主不情願地用兩隻纖秀的手指把青蛙挾起來,帶著他上了樓。 當青蛙跳到小公主的床中間時,小公主勃然大怒,用力地將青蛙推開並讓他狠狠地摔落在地上。而當他一落地,一下子變成了一位王子,原來他被一個狠毒的巫婆施了魔法,除了 小公主以外,誰也不能解救他。 小公主嚇傻了,她對於她的態度及無禮感到非常地愧疚。過沒多久,英俊的王子和小公主結婚,從此過著快樂幸福的日子。 文章擷取自《格林童話-青蛙王子》

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