Friday, June 24, 2016

Catching a Thief

Catching a Thief
   Witty Hare can run very fast. One day when he gets home. He sees a rat. The rat is jumping down his window. “Oh. A thief!” Witty Hare shouted and catches the rat, “You can’t run faster then me.” Soon Witty Hare catches up with the rat, and the rat is left behind, “I must run away,’ the rat says and laughs, “He is so silly.”

 Witty Hare goes on running. A sheep sees him and asks him, “What a re you doing?” “I’m catching the thief.” Witty Hare says. “ Thief? Where’s the thief?” the sheep fells surprised. “He’s behind me ,”Witty Hare says proudly.
  機靈的肚子跑得很快。一天,她回到家的時候看見一隻老鼠。這只老師正從它家的窗戶跳下去。啊! 賊!機靈肚子喊著追過去。你跑不過我的!不一會它追上了老鼠,還把老鼠丟在後面。我得趕緊逃。老鼠竊笑著說:這傢伙真笨。


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